
Vantharp – Core Trading Systems: Market Outperformance and Absolute Returns

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Vantharp – Core Trading Systems: Market Outperformance and Absolute Returns

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If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then the eLearning course, Core Trading Systems: Market Outperformance and Absolute Returns.

Over the last decade, Dr. Ken Long has taught Van Tharp Institute workshops about trading systems with intermediate to long-term holding periods. Over those years, his trading systems have improved dramatically. He has designed what he considers his best intermediate trading system, it has a very simple set of rules.

As a continuous learner himself, Ken reads constantly and has focused some of that time over the years on intermediate. Long-term system development – from both a traditional orientation and from some more unconventional sources. By combining a lot of various ideas he has gathered from academic research, and from his Tortoise Mastermind group of traders. He has created a group of trading systems that enables someone to outperform the market on a consistent and long-term basis – all with a minor amount of work. “Minor” amount of work, in this case, means an hour per month – or less. Ken’s systems require adjustments to positions as often as once a month or as infrequently as once a year.

For each system he presents, Ken provides the logic, academic research on the strategy, the long-term results and his personal experience trading the system.

About us!

Over the last 5 years we have helped over 5000 members save a great deal of money on buying online courses. By changing the internal values which are ​​more about member benefits, we have created a completely superior upgrade version with various features as well as the automatic system that surely will offer you a new different experience with more benefits , more time, and cost reduction. We definetely will do our best to help 20,000 community members save 80-100% on online courses over the next 20 to 50 years . Let’s start to see what we have.

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