
Tradingmastery – Trendline Mastery – Aldo Lagrutta

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Tradingmastery – Trendline Mastery – Aldo Lagrutta

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Aldo Lagrutta – “Professor Trendline”

Now let me be honest up front… In order to become successful in trading you need a lot more than a robust trading methodology. You also need a great Trade Management, and – the most difficult part that no one wants to tell you is that – you need to become a master of your own psychology.

In my experience, I see that often the psychological conflicts are profoundly linked to the strategy used. While that is not always the case, a proper strategy does help with the psychology if it eliminates doubts.

For instance, from the very first trades I took, I noticed that practically every time I entered the market, I would second guess myself. With time, trading became a horrible experience of living and dealing with uncertainty.

At the time, I didn’t have the necessary knowledge, so I began a search for more experienced traders who could help me and teach me how to trade profitably and with confidence.

Surprisingly enough I found many people willing to help me for… a rather large fee.

I started trading with many of the so called Trading Gurus and I also noticed that the majority of traders I traded with, no matter how veteran or how complex their trading strategies were, they also suffered from the same disease I had when they were in a live market. It was like magic… as soon as they entered a trade they started to wonder if that was the correct decision.

And often these doubts became even worse as the trade continued in their favour. Now they started doubting if they should exit the trade with whatever profits they had or if they should live by the old adage “Cut your loses short and let your profits run”.

More often than not, I could see them talking themselves out of good profitable trades by saying “No one has ever gone broke by taking profits”.

I knew that was not the right way… I had to find a proper answer for my conflict… so I decided to look for a proper mentor with a lot of trading experience and who would be willing to work with me one on one. But there was a problem: The few real experienced traders out there with the knowledge and willingness to mentor me were horribly expensive!!!

Well… to make the story short, they took all my money and taught me few tricks that were worth nothing. I learned about their favourite indicators and settings with their “secret” trade set ups. Some worked more or less ok, some didn’t work at all.

Eventually I made learning how to trade profitably my life challenge.

I had been successful in everything I did before trading and could not accept failure as my end result. At least I refused to do so…

But in the meantime I continued haemorrhaging money!

So, I decided to dive in this business as deeply as I possibly could – not just to learn how to invest or even earn money trading, but now I wanted to know all the intricacies of what moves the markets. In order to accomplish that, I undertook the monumental task of studying the entire discipline of technical analysis. Then I learnt the truth about indicators, Oscillators, and all sort of analytical tools like Gann, Elliott, Chart Patterns and some less esoteric ways to approach the market.

About us!

Over the last 5 years we have helped over 5000 members save a great deal of money on buying online courses. By changing the internal values which are ​​more about member benefits, we have created a completely superior upgrade version with various features as well as the automatic system that surely will offer you a new different experience with more benefits , more time, and cost reduction. We definetely will do our best to help 20,000 community members save 80-100% on online courses over the next 20 to 50 years . Let’s start to see what we have.

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