Michael Duane Archer – The Goodman Currency Codex
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Goodman Wave Theory, developed by trader extraordinaire Charles B. Goodman has been Archer’s ‘go-to’ discretionary trading method for almost 40 years. ‘Charlie’ taught his methods to Archer and to no one else. A compendium of writings on GWT, The Goodman CODEX, a treatise on his favorite Goodman setup, Trading the Goodman 6 & 6 Setup and the Goodman Simple System Setup are the three books on Goodman Wave Theory and the Goodman Method of Trading currently available from GoodmanWorks.
The Trading Goodman Video Series will be his final Goodman work.
Archer currently mentors traders on the Goodman Method of Trading and is researching synthetic currencies using the new correlation techniques of T-Sets and Vectoring.