
Lockeinyoursuccess – Apm2 program by John Locke

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Lockeinyoursuccess – Apm2 program by John Locke

Sale Page :  lockeinyoursuccess

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Break free and start today – $1,995!

APM2 stands for Advanced Position Management and Advanced Personal Management two very important topics together! In May 2015 we had a live seminar for the APM2 program and it was FANTASTIC!

If you have significant experience with the M3 strategy, seize this opportunity and break free.

This program will include:

  • Trading Psychology focused on dealing with stress and anxiety
  • Proper back trading and using back trading to evaluate and improve your performance
  • Managing the T+0 line using strategic options placement
  • Efficient use of capital – Trading twice the size with the same capital
  • Efficient and alternative trade adjustments
  • Trade execution and live examples
  • Gradually and synthetically re configuring positions back and forth from M3 type position to any of ROCK configurations
  • Lots and lots of examples
  • And much, much more!!!!

Study on your own schedule! The on-line program consists of sixteen videos with over eleven hours of instruction and six detailed power points which will give you the squared edge. Use unique self-study tools and resources to learn the techniques of top traders.

About us!

Over the last 5 years we have helped over 5000 members save a great deal of money on buying online courses, By changing the internal values which are ​​more about member benefits, we have created a completely superior upgrade version with various features as well as the automatic system that surely will offer you a new different experience with more benefits , more time, and cost reduction. We definetely will do our best to help 20,000 community members save 80-100% on online courses over the next 20 to 50 years . Let’s start to see what we have.