John Locke – The Trading Triangle Maui 2016
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Explore in depth the business side of trading. Learn how much money you need to succeed, understand how to position size for success, determine cash flow expectations, and find out what you absolutely must know to preserve the capital you so rightly deserve.
Included in the course is lots of discussions regarding Mastery and the Trading Business to include:
- Imperative considerations BEFORE you quit your job and become a full-time trader
- How to set up budgets – SPREADSHEET INCLUDED!
- What is needed for net worth and how much should be used for trading – SPREADSHEET INCLUDED!
- Setting up your trading accounts for success
- Cash Flow Projections – SPREADSHEETS INCLUDED!
- Hedging and disaster planning
- Capital requirements for long-term success
- SPECIAL – The Business of Options Trading, a presentation by Dave Thomas
Learn what you need to know about trading mechanics in order to be successful long term. Uncover the secret to low risk, high probability trades. Observe how to create and modify Broken Wing Butterfly trades to match your objectives, how to hedge your positions, and when to exit so you can avoid those unexpected draw downs.
Get John Locke – The Trading Triangle Maui 2016
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Over the last 5 years we have helped over 5000 members save a great deal of money on buying online courses, By changing the internal values which are more about member benefits, we have created a completely superior upgrade version with various features as well as the automatic system that surely will offer you a new different experience with more benefits , more time, and cost reduction. We definetely will do our best to help 20,000 community members save 80-100% on online courses over the next 20 to 50 years . Let’s start to see what we have.