Author:Andrea Unger
Known as the only Four-Time World Trading Champion (2008, 2009, 2010, and 2012), Andrea Unger is a full-time professional trader since 2001 and honorary member of SIAT (Italian Society of Technical Analysis, a branch of IFTA). Appreciated author, he is often invited as a speaker throughout Europe, America, and Asia.
Portfolio Secrets
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How To Create an Effective Portfolio
Portfolio Secrets Manual
All the printed material being presented: Learn how to create and manage an effective portfolio of Trading Systems.
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(Value: €497)
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Portfolio Secrets
This is a tremendous value. I don’t know what you trade and what your profits are, but I think you’d agree that you won’t need to make too many good trades to turn a profit on this investment …and that this material can certainly teach you how to make a LOT of good trades!