
Affinitytrading – Affinity Foundation Option Course

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Affinitytrading – Affinity Foundation Option Course

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Coaching Program

Course Description

The Affinity Trading Institute™ approach to trading is a technical one which relies on specific chart patterns to identify the major shifts in market sentiment. Whether you want to Scalp, Day, Swing or Long-term Trade, this course will empower you with the necessary knowledge to trade the markets using proven technical analysis strategies, disciplined risk management and a strong psychological mind set.

Financial market data is presented in a number of ways; this trading course will show you how to analyze that data to your benefit rather than attempt to predict market events and occurrences. This helps you keep your opinions directly aligned with the market instead of letting your emotions decide what you want the market to do.

Foundation Part 1

Personal Reality Check

ATI Holistic Approach to Trading

SMART Plan Design

The ATI Achievement Chart

Trading Demystified

Realities of Trading and Investing

Defusing Trading Demons

Building Trading Muscles

Market Analysis

Types of Financial Analysis

Inter-Market Analysis

News and Market Reports

Elements of Trading

Trend Analysis

Pattern Analysis

Putting It All Together

Foundation Part 2

Technical Fine Tuning

Technical Triggers

Trade Refinements

Fibonacci Strategies

Additional Levels of Analysis

Volume Analysis

Trend Line Breaks and Fades

Gap Strategies

Trade Management Rules

Scalp Rules

Trend Trading Rules

Hybrid Rules

Introduction to Trading Psychology

Trading Plan Design

Results Analysis

Putting It All Together

The Affinity Trader Foundation Course

A Professional Trader by your side guiding you towards trading masteryAvailable only to members of The Affinity Professional Intra-Day Trader, The Affinity Professional Scalp Trader and The Affinity Swing Trader Programs.

Program Description

The Affinity Trading Institute™ has one of the most comprehensive educational programs in the industry. From 1-Day introductory and advanced theory courses to 5-Day hands on live market trading labs, there is no shortage of proper education. Contrary to popular belief, learning to trade is quite easy. It’s when actual money is put on the line does the reality set in that trading success is very much a challenging venture. Lack of experience, psychological demons, the unwillingness to follow your trading plan and not respecting risk management are all factors that also contribute to its difficulty. Let’s face it, trading is not easy and the majority of people that attempt to make a career out of it face a huge uphill battle.

That’s where The Affinity Trader Coaching Program comes in. We have learned that when our student traders have by their side an experienced trading coach that knows how to take profits out of the market, their chances of success greatly improve. Using a holistic approach to teaching, our coaches utilize specific procedures and methods of performance tracking that are designed to help the student study efficiently, understand more and actually absorb what they are learning.

With access to The Affinity Trader Coaching Program you will:

Create the needed discipline to follow your trading plan.

Revisit course material to help reinforce your trading strategies.

Tackle the psychological demons that are holding you back from profitability.

Have an experienced trader by your side with whom you can ask specific questions.

Be part of a small coaching group of ten traders that maintain a positive team spirit.

A unique element of the program is that our coaches were once students.

Best of all, there is no cost to be part of The Affinity Trader Coaching Program, it’s FREE. This valuable program is automatically provided to all members of our trading program packages. If you are interested in joining and would like the opportunity to learn how you can trade firm capital with a 3rd party CBSX proprietary trading firm, please visit our Trader Programs section. From there you will have access to our coaching program

Contact us today and see how The Affinity Trader Coaching Program can help you achieve a profitable trading career with the Affinity Trading Institute™.