Sheridanmentoring – Dan Sheridan Butterfly Course (Sep 2012)
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Learn to Trade with Butterfly Strategies
Class Format: This class is a collection of video recordings from the actual Live class that began February 25, 2015. Once a student buys a class, an email is then sent, containing login credentials to access the archived class page. Typically, each class runs for four weeks, with two classes each week. Some classes contain additional videos and sessions. Purchasing access to a class gives 6 months of access to all class recordings, as well as trade updates, PDF’s and PowerPoints. Any questions? Email us at
Class Specifics:
You are welcome to ask questions directly to Dan or another mentor
Each class recording is a minimum of 1 hour, total of 10-12 hours approximately
Supplemental videos on brokers (OptionNet Explorer, TOS Contingent orders)
You can optionally purchase a 4-week trial of OptionNET Explorer for an additional 25 GBP Click Here
All fees for online classes are deductible towards our GOLD Mentoring Program ($1000 limit) Click Here